If you are going to spend money on a carrier, this would be the best buy for your money. Affordable and comfortable. You can't get much better than that!
Email or call me if you have any questions.
If you are in Utah, set up an appointment to try it out for yourself
before you spend your money on ANYTHING else!
1. Call or 2. email me and set up a place/time (if in Utah) for us to meet and for you to try it out before you buy it or just to purchase in person. I am located in Cedar City, but occasionally visit St. George once every month and I would be more than happy to meet you somewhere!
3. Click on the Google Checkout button on the side bar to the right (should be closer to the top of the page) to pay with Credit Card and have 1 Moby Wrap shipped to you for an additional $4.50! If you would like to purchase more than one Moby or multiple items, email me and I will send you a personalized invoice so you can pay with a credit card.
Note: Moby UV, Moby D, Moby Select, and the basic Moby in the color Sienna are available upon request. Also, cash or credit card accepted only. Credit card purchases are mainly for items being shipped. If you need more information, please email me.
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